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Center for Research on Learning

Order Form

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University of Kansas
Center for Research on Learning
Joseph R. Pearson Hall
1122 W. Campus Road, Room 517
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101

Order Desk: (785) 864-0617
Fax: (785) 864-5728

Fed ID No. 48-0680117

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Order Information
Quantity CDs Unit Price Price
Introduction to Strategic Instruction CD $10.00
Videotapes (VT) and DVDs
Concept Anchoring Routine VT or DVD (2002) $25.00
Teaching with te Concept Mastery Routine VT or DVD (1998) $25.00
Enhancing Strategic Instruction: Critical Teaching Behaviors VT or DVD $25.00
The Lesson Organizer for Trainers VT only (2001) $25.00
Making a Difference: From Those Who Know VT only (1988) $25.00
Modeling the First-Letter Mnemonic Strategy VT or DVD (1989) $25.00
Teaching Younger Students to Master Learning Strategies VT or DVD $25.00
The Unit Organizer VT or DVD (2002) $25.00
Word Identification for Trainers VT only (2001) $25.00
Stratellite Connection #1 #2 #3 #4 (circle one or more) $15.00 ea.
Stratellite Connection #5 #6 #7 #8 (circle one or more) $15.00 ea.
Stratellite Connection #9 #10 (circle one or more) $15.00 ea.
Stratellite Connection #11 Overview $15.00
Stratellite Connection #12 #13 #14 (circle one or more) $15.00 ea.
Stratellite Connection #14 (SIM Overview for Administrators) $15.00
Brochure for Administrators (Set of 20) (2003) $5.00
READ - A Rubric for Educating Adolescents with Disabilities $10.00
Tutoring Success Guide (2003) $4.00
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